How to add GOMINING and BTC wallets
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Here you can find information on how to:
Add GMT wallets via Metamask, WalletConnect or manually
There are 2 ways to do so:
Add by linking your personal account with the MetaMask wallet (ERC-20/BEP-20)
Add by linking your personal account with your wallet using Wallet Connect (ERC-20/BEP-20)
If you don't already have a suitable address, you can create one by following the instructions for creating a wallet.
Go to the GOMINING Wallets section and click "Add wallet".
2. Download the MetaMask Chrome extension and sign up for it, it's only available on the desktop. Click on "MetaMask", the extension window will automatically open in your browser.
3. Select the wallet you’d like to link to your GoMining personal account. Click "Next".
4. Allow viewing the active addresses and click "Connect".
5. Click "Sign".
6. The attached wallet will appear in the GOMINING Wallets section and will be verified automatically.
With this way of adding the GOMINING wallet, we recommend to use a computer, because then you will need to scan the QR-code with your phone.
Here is an example of how you can add GOMINING address via WalletConnect if you use Trust Wallet.
Go to the GOMINING Wallets section and click "Add wallet".
2. Click "WalletConnect".
3. Download the Trust Wallet app on your smartphone and sign up for it. Here is the instruction how to do so.
4. Click "Settings" in the app menu and select the "Wallet Connect" option. Then click "New Connection" and scan the QR code that appears on the computer.
5. Click "Connect" and select "Confirm".
6. The attached wallet will appear in the GOMINING Wallets section and will be verified automatically.
Here is an example of how you can add BTC wallet if you use Trust Wallet.
Go to the BTC Wallet section and click "Add wallet".
2. Open the “Trust Wallet” app and click on the Bitcoin icon. Then click on the "Recieve" button.
3. Click on the "Copy" button.
4. Go back to your GoMining personal account and enter the copied BTC address.
5. Well done, your BTC wallet is linked to your personal account.